Conditioning for Strength

Adequate conditioning is essential to get the most out of any resistance-training program, whether we like cardio or not! If you’re interested in learning more about the basics of conditioning for strength and physique training (not strength and conditioning for other sports), here is a great starting place. Thoughtfully and slowly improving conditioning will improve your work capacity in the gym, your ability to recover between sets and between workouts, and will just help you feel better in general.

SBF Conditioning for Strength is coaching and programming for anyone who wants to improve their conditioning to get the most out of lifting. Together we will build and incorporate a conditioning regimen into your lifting program (and your life in general).

Coaching is about much more than just changing spreadsheets every couple of weeks. I'm here to build a genuine relationship with you and provide you with support, guidance, mentoring, and education. I truly believe that we can both learn so much from one another, and in doing so, we'll work together to set reasonable goals and expectations, and work toward them in a healthy, safe, and sustainable way.

***Before submitting your Application Form please read this entire page***

Who is it for?

  • Any lifter, regardless of current skill level, who has already started strength/physique training, and who wants to maintain or improve their current level of aerobic conditioning in order to support their strength/physique goals
  • Lifters who are more independent with their nutrition and/or lifting program, but who want more guidance and support with their aerobic capacity
  • Lifters who have some training experience but want to learn more about how conditioning work can support and improve their lifting, how to build and progress an individualized conditioning training program tailored to their lifting program, and how to interpret training data and utilize it to make program changes
  • Lifters who are interested in improving work capacity to support their goals in amateur or recreational level powerlifting without impeding their strength training
  • Amateur and/or recreational physique athletes who currently, or would like to, use conditioning to support body (re)composition goals without impeding their lifting training
  • Lifters who are interested in improving work capacity to support their overall, general strength training and/or their work capacity in day to day life
  • Anyone who wants to feel empowered by seeing just how strong your body can truly be and what it’s capable of

What do you get?

  • An initial, judgement-free assessment of your current level of conditioning
  • A 1-hour video consultation with me to determine your goals and build your program together
  • An evolving, customized conditioning program to maximize your work capacity and recovery without hindering your resistance training. This will be a spreadsheet-based program and will be tailored to fit your needs, preferences, schedule, access to equipment, ability, skill level, and current resistance training program
  • A folder of resources on how to track your progress and implement the program we build
  • Video or voice-message check-ins with me every 4 weeks where you report to me in order to assess progress
  • A folder of resources on how to track your progress and implement the program we build
  • Detailed, individualized correspondence from me every month in response to our check-ins
  • Science-based education on how your conditioning program will complement and support your resistance training and recovery

How much does it cost?

No start up fee!
$0 down
Recommended Price
$55 per month
$35 per month

The recommended full price is $55 per month, but the minimum price only $35 per month, charged automatically each month until we feel you are ready to continue your conditioning training independently. You can choose to pay the full $55 per month, or as much as you feel the coaching services are worth. The extra money will go directly to paying for coaching services for those who cannot afford to pay full price. I have lower sliding-scale prices available upon request. I am also willing to negotiate barter-and-trading of services. No matter what, I do not turn anyone away due to lack of funds, so if you are concerned please send me an email and we'll figure something out for you.

All prices are in US Dollars.

So where do I start?

All new clients must begin by filling out the intake and application forms, which can be found by clicking the link at the bottom of this page. After submitting the form, you will receive an email from nat on the next steps you’ll need to take to pay for this coaching service and schedule our initial consultation. Please be patient and allow at least 3 business days to receive this email response to your application.

If you are a returning client, please email me at letting me know. I will send you the link to the payment page so you can go directly to pay and book a video consultation with me right away. You will not have to fill out another application and intake form.

*Movement screening is required for all clients regardless of stated skill level in lifting before starting any program. This is essential to ensure your safety before adding on additional load, which could potentially reinforce inefficient or unsafe movement patterns under heavy load. Your program will be designed to address severe technique issues, under light or no load, that might put your safety at risk before loading an exercise with more weight.

**Disclaimer: This is conditioning for amateur/recreational lifters or lifters in a specific strength sport (e.g. bodybuilding/physique sports, powerlifting, etc.) If you are looking for conditioning coaching for another sport that involves or is related to resistance training (e.g. American football, wrestling, etc.), I would strongly recommend hiring a sports-specific Strength & Conditioning Coach.

Intake Form